Sunday, January 8, 2012


I do this more for my own inventory keeping than promotion, but . . . some poems/interviews came out during my blogging lag.

"Mercury" in FORKLIFT, OHIO.

"Soft-Care" and "Butterfly" in SIXTH FINCH.

"Unbelieve" and "Together" in UNSWEPT. These are English-to-English translations of "Unbelieve" by Peter Jay Shippy and When You're Not Allowed to Daydream by Rachel Simon, respectively.

An interview with Brandi Homan and Becca Klaver about their respective books BOBCAT COUNTRY and L.A. LIMINAL and an interview with Joseph P. Wood about his book I & WE in BOOKSLUT.

I'm going to try to be better about submitting this year. That's another New Year's goal. I submitted poems to approximately 0 places last year, so anything will be an improvement.

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